Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How will I begin to use blogs for professional development ?

My classroom consists of educators - networks of technology coordinators and library media specialists; participants in online classes and shorter workshop sessions; Advisory Committees made up primarily of administrators. So... I don't have an immediate answer to David's question of how will I begin to use blogs, what would instructional uses be for these groups.

I think that before I can begin to answer this question, I need more experience with blogs myself. I belong to a statewide group of Instructional Technology Services directors at each CESA -- otherwise known as CITSC. Blogger John Pederson, one of my colleagues at CESA 3, is patiently encouraging our group to begin using Web 2.0 tools. In May he set up a wikispaces specifically for us.

OK, John... I'm now ready to investigate it. You can thank David Jakes for the push that is getting me going.


John Pederson said...

Has my esteemed colleague from Illinois shown the "Feed Jake" video yet?

I hear it has gone viral on YouTube.

Sue said...

He did show us the video yesterday... music was great, he wishes he had more hair.